Drug interaction, Types of drug interaction, Mechanism of drug interaction, Drug discovery, Process of drug discovery

Drug interaction

When one drug alters the action of physiochemical properties of any others drug by interact with, it is known as drug interaction. Drug interaction is defined as the pharmacological activity of one drug is altered by the concomitant use of another drug or by the presence of some other substance.

Drug interaction, Types of drug interaction, Mechanism of drug interaction, Drug discovery, Process of drug discovery

Types of drug interaction

1. Drug-Drug interaction
2. Drug-Food interaction
3. Chemical-Drug interaction
4. Drug-Laboratory test interaction
5. Drug-Disease interaction

Factor contributing to drug interaction

1. Multiple drugs therapy
2. Multiple prescribers
3. Multiple pharmacological of drug
4. Multiple disease
5. Poor patient compliance
6. Advancing age of patient
7. Drug related factors
8. Combined effect of drugs

Mechanism of drug interaction

Drug interactions occur when two drugs are administered together and their effects on the body change. This is usually due to the fact that one drug affects the absorption, metabolism or excretion of another drug. It is important to understand the mechanisms behind these interactions in order to avoid any adverse reactions or side effects. These are three mechanisms by which an interaction can developed:
1. Pharmaceutical interaction
2. Pharmacokinetic interaction
3. Pharmacodynamic interaction

Drug interaction, Types of drug interaction, Mechanism of drug interaction, Drug discovery, Process of drug discovery

1. Pharmaceutical interaction

Pharmaceutical interaction also called as incompatibility. It is a physiochemical interaction that occurs when drugs are mixed in IV (intra venous) infusions causing precipitation or inactivation of active principles.
Example:- Ampicillin

2. Pharmacokinetic interaction

These interactions are those in which ADME properties of the object drug is altered by the precipitant and hence such interactions are also called as ADME interaction. The resultant effect is altered plasma concentration of the object drug.

They are classified as:

1. Absorption interaction
2. Distribution interaction
3. Metabolism interaction
4. Excretion interaction

1. Absorption interaction

Absorption interaction are those where the absorption of the object drug is altered.

Major mechanism of absorption interaction

1. Complexation and absorption
2. Alteration in gastro intestinal pH
3. Inhibition of gastro intestinal enzymes
4. Alteration of gastro intestinal micro flora
5. Malabsorption syndrome

2. Distribution interaction

Distribution interaction where the distribution pattern of the object is Altered. The major mechanism for distribution interaction is alteration in protein binding.

3. Metabolism interaction

Metabolism interaction are those where the metabolism of the object drug is altered.

Mechanism of metabolism interaction include

1. Enzyme induction
2. Enzyme inhibition

4. Excretion interaction

Excretion interaction are those where the excretion pattern of the object drug is altered.

Major mechanism of excretion interaction

1. Alteration in renal blood flow
2. Alteration of urine pH
3. Competition for active secretion

3. Pharmacodynamic interaction

Pharmacodynamics introduction are those in which the activity of the object drugs at its site of action is altered by the precipitant. Such interaction may be direct or indirect.

These are two types:

1. Direct pharmacodynamics interaction
2. Indirect pharmacodynamics interaction

1. Direct pharmacodynamics interaction

In which drug having similar or opposing pharmacological effects are used concurrently. Direct pharmacodynamics interaction is an important concept in the field of pharmacology. It refers to the direct effect that a drug has on the body, including physiological and biochemical changes. This type of interaction can be used to determine how different drugs will interact with each other and how certain drugs may affect certain conditions.

2. Indirect pharmacodynamics interaction

In which both the object and the precipitant drugs have unrelated effects. Indirect pharmacodynamics interaction is an important concept in drug development, as it can help to determine the safety and efficacy of a compound. It can also help to explain the underlying mechanisms of action and identify potential adverse effects that may occur when two drugs interact.

Drug discovery

Drug discovery is the process in which new medicines are identified and introduced into market. In the past most drugs have been discovered either by identifying the active ingredient from traditional remedies or by serendipitous discovery but we know disease are controlled at molecular and physiological level. It’s also shape of a molecule at atomic level is well understood.

A process that starts with the identification of disease and therapeutic identification and characterization in vitro, formulation and animal pharmacological studies, pharmacokinetics and safety studies in animals and clinical studies in the human in “different stages include”.
1. Basic research
2. Feasibility studies
3. Programmed
4. non-clinical development
5. Clinical development

Process of drug discovery

Drug interaction, Types of drug interaction, Mechanism of drug interaction, Drug discovery, Process of drug discovery

1. Pre-discovery
2. Target identification
3. Target validation
4. Lead discovery
5. Lead optimization
6. Preclinical testing
7. Clinical trial
8. New drug

1. Pre-discovery

To find out the problems or disease before the discovery of disease, this is called pre-discovery. This can be done by laboratory method.

2. Target identification

Target identification is the second process of drug discovery. In this phase, basically we find out the organ of body, where the disease is occurred and in that particular organ find out the particular receptor.

Properties of ideal drug target

1. Target is disease modifying and/or has a proven function in the pathophysiology of a disease.
2. Modulation of the target is less important under physiological condition or in other disease.
3. Target has a favorable assay ability enabling high through put screening.
4. Target expression is not uniformly distributed throughout the body.
5. A target/disease-specific biomarker exist to monitor therapeutic efficacy.

3. Target validation

To identify the most useful target among the various identify targets. Identified targets are analysed by and compared for ability to regulate biological and chemical process/molecules in the body and association with specific disease.

4. Lead discovery

 In this step, identified the drugs that is actually used to cure that disease(lead compound). It can be synthesized in laboratory. Identified the drugs which have potential to bind to the Identified target successfully. Approx. 5000 – 10000 compound should be chosen.

5. Lead optimization

Lead optimization is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. It ensures that all the leads generated are of high quality and can be used to convert into paying customers. Companies use lead optimization to maximize the return on their marketing investments by targeting the right prospects and getting them to take action.

6. Preclinical testing

Preclinical testing is a crucial step in the development of new drugs and treatments. It helps to assess their safety, efficacy, and potential side effects in animals before they can be tested on humans. This process is a key part of the drug development process and allows researchers to identify any potential risks before they start clinical trials.

7. Clinical trials

Clinical trials are an important part of medical research and development. They are conducted by pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, and universities to determine the safety and efficacy of a new drug or device. Clinical trials involve testing a new drug on humans to evaluate its effectiveness, side effects, and other outcomes.

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