Introduction of pharmacology, Historical landmarks, Scope of pharmacology, with best notes(1)

Introduction of pharmacology


The branch of medical science in which study about the characteristics of drug inside the body and drug response is called pharmacology.

Introduction of pharmacology, Historical landmarks, Scope of pharmacology, with best notes(1)
Introduction of pharmacology

It is the branch of science which deal with the study of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. It is all about study of drug and effect of drug on body and body’s response for the drugs.


Pharmacodynamics is the branch of pharmacology that focuses on how drugs interact with cells and tissues in the body to produce their desired effects. It includes understanding how drugs are absorbed into the body, distributed throughout the body, metabolized, and eliminated from the body. Additionally, pharmacodynamics encompasses understanding how drug doses are determined and what adverse effects can occur from improper use or abuse.


Pharmacokinetics is the learn about of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excretion by using the body. It focuses on understanding the processes that determine the rate and extent of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. This knowledge can be used to optimize drug therapy and to reduce adverse effects.

Historical landmarks

The knowledge of drugs and they’re uses for disease are old as history of mankind.

Primitive man (Ancient) gather of knowledge of healing and medicines by observing the nature, noticing the animals while ill and personal experience after consuming plants. They discovered that extracts from plants, animals and minerals had medicinal effects on body tissue.


Hippocrates (460-375 BC), A Greek physician consider “Father Of Medicine”. He was the first person who recognizes disease as abnormal reaction of body. He introduces the use of metallic salts for the treatment of disease

Paracelsus (1493-1541), He is also called grandfather of pharmacology. He introduces the uses of chemicals for treatment of disease.

Scope of pharmacology

The branch of medical science in which study about the characteristics of drug inside the body and drug response is called pharmacology. It is an important field in modern medicine and has a wide scope in terms of research, development, and application.

Pharmacology covers the action of drugs on living organisms, their absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. It also studies the interactions between drugs and other substances such as food or alcohol.

Introduction of pharmacology, Historical landmarks, Scope of pharmacology, with best notes(1)

Moreover, pharmacologists are involved in clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of new drugs before they can be approved for use by medical professionals. The scope of pharmacology is vast as it involves understanding how different drugs work on various parts of the body to treat illnesses or conditions.

Pharmacogenomics, it is use of genetic information to guide the choice of drug & dose. It helps in drug discovery and minimize advance drug reaction. Pharmacogenetics,  it is study of genetic basis to variability in drug response, it also helps in development drugs. “Introduction of pharmacology”

Introduction of pharmacology, Historical landmarks, Scope of pharmacology – Mimprovement

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