Nervous system, Brain, Different parts of brain, Frontal brain, Middle brain, Back brain, Full concept(1)

Nervous system

Today we are going to read about the nervous system. In the earlier article, we have read Sense Organ, in which we have told you about skin, eyes, ears and tongue. If you haven’t read it, first go and read it. In this article, we will fully understand about the definition of nervous system and its types, so let’s start

The nervous system is a complex network of nerves fibres and cells. It is consist of Peripheral nervous system and central nervous system. It receive information from the part of central nervous system i.e., brain and spinal cord and send to our whole body.


The brain plays its important role inside the nervous system because the brain is such an organ in our whole body that controls our memory, emotions, etc., which plays a big role in our life. If we write the definition of brain, then we can write that our body is an organ that controls memory, emotions and the activity of our whole body. Our brain is covered with a bone called purchasing rule, which protects it from any kind of attack. The number of craniums is eight. The meninges layers which provide protection to the brain and spinal cord. 12 pair nerves present in brain Whose work is to transfer signals.

Different parts of brain

We read the brain by dividing it into three parts, frontal brain, middle brain and back brain. The frontal brain is present at the front of the skull, it consists of 66% of our brain. Frontal brain contains reading cerebrum thalamus and hypothalamus. If we talk about the cerebrum, then it is known as the memory controller of our brain, whatever happens in our memory or whatever is related to it, that cerebrum manages. Many students have this problem that they are not able to remember their past things or previous studies, then you should keep in mind that all the things that the cerebrum manages, whose cerebrum is strong, their memory or ability to remember is very strong, it occurs. Example: – If you have seen Ghajini movie then you must have seen in it that Aamir Khan suffers from amnesia as a blow to his head causes him to default in his cerebrum so that he forgets everything after 15 minutes. If there is a problem in his cerebrum, the chance of its recovery is very less. Now we are going to talk about the thalamus, for your information, let me tell you that the thalamus gives external knowledge. Any organ of our body which transmits external activities to our brain is called thalamus. The sense organ plays an important role in our body in helping the thalamus and providing knowledge of external activities. Example: – The nose talks about any kind of smell, the tongue talks about the taste of any substance, and the skin controls or talks about our temperature, so we can say that the sense organ transmits the external knowledge to the thalamus. Now we are going to read about hypothalamus, The hypothalamus plays an important role in imparting the internal knowledge of our body. Example: – If we talk about inner knowledge, then feeling hungry and thirsty is our inner knowledge, we get angry or happy, love and hate are all examples of our inner knowledge. All this activity is managed by the hypothalamus. If there is a default in the hypothalamus of a person, then the state of his hunger and thirst goes around, he starts getting angry, he starts hating someone and many other activities start happening, which ruins his life.

Nervous system, Brain, Different parts of brain, Frontal brain, Middle brain, Back brain, Full concept(1)
Frontal brain

In the middle brain, we have to read about the corpora and cerebral. If we talk about corpora, then it controls the activity of our eyes and ears. When we were studying about the ear, then we had read that when the sound crosses the cochlea, it transfers a signal to the corpora of our brain, so that we understand the real meaning of that sound. If there is a default in the corpora of a person, then he does not hear properly or he does not see properly. As if a person has blurred vision or he cannot hear completely clearly, it manages all the activities completely, if a person’s corpora is strong then he will never have problems in his eyes and ears.  Cerebral is the most important part of our brain which is controlled by the spinal cord. it’s a long tube-like band of tissue. Your spinal cord carries nerve signals from your brain to your body. 31 pair nerves present in spinal cord Whose work is to transfer signals to the brain.

Nervous system, Brain, Different parts of brain, Frontal brain, Middle brain, Back brain, Full concept(1)
Spinal cord

In the back brain, the medulla and cerebellum are present in the back brain. If we talk about the medulla, then it manages the functions of digestion and respiration of our body. If a person’s medulla has a default, then his digestion and respiration does not work properly. Example: – Have you ever thought that when we eat food, till we eat, our brain thinks about it, when we swallow our food, then that is the whole process the medulla manages how to digest it. If we talk about the cerebellum, then the cerebellum maintains the balance of our whole body. Its main work is to maintain balance. Example: – You must have seen that when a person drinks alcohol, his cerebellum does not work properly, he is not able to walk properly doesn’t work. By drinking alcohol, the person’s cerebellum gets damaged for some time and he does not work properly for some time.

Nervous system

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