Pharmacodynamics, Site of action, Types of sites of action, Principle of drug action, Mechanism of drug action – mimprovement

Principle of drug action Any drug cannot produce any new type of response in our body but it can only stimulate or depressed the action of any organ. 1. Stimulation When any drug produces any response for the excitatory to any organ, this is called stimulation. When any drug shows less response on their efficiency … Read more

Pharmacokinetics – Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Elimination

Pharmacokinetics Pharmacokinetics is the quantitative study of drug movement in through and out of body. Pharmacokinetics is the learn about of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized and eradicated by using the body. It focuses on understanding the processes that determine the rate and extent of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. It involves for … Read more